album jeux videos

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Consequences of SelfMutilation (Remixes, Versions & Rare Noises)

104:54Join in the Chant (Nitzer Ebb cover version)
204:40Glorification of Violence (Pmirage mix / remixed by Proyecto Mirage)
304:22The Vermin (Destroy mix / remixed by Industrial Company Inc.)
405:49Burning Inside (Ministry cover version)
504:21Darling! (Drunk in El Paso mix / remixed by Null)
603:56The Vermin (A21 mix / remixed by Ambassador 21)
703:54Slow (Kylie Minogue cover version)
804:59The Vermin (Infected Drag mix / remixed by Drag)
904:53Auschwitz (Crowd of Motherfuckers mix / remixed by Porcelain Puppets)
1004:28Crush My Soul (Godflesh cover version)
1106:53Casus Belli (Exhibicion de Pureza Obscura mix / remixed by Escuadron de La Muerte)