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Col's New World

103:12Divorce in the 90's
204:33Ballad of the Bobbitts
305:16I Won't Be Doin' That Tonight
401:20I'll Do Anything You Like
501:32I Saw Her Snatch (Her Note Book)
603:14Merry X'Mas Revisited
700:19If They Wanna Look Let 'em Look
900:45Tiger Moth
1002:59Hat Attack
1108:08Chooka Dennis (Blues Poet)
1202:16Thargaminda Bush Poetry (Winning Entry)
1301:28Di World
1403:25Early Arrival
1502:18Premature Ejaculation
1602:18Only an Offer
1703:37Proud to Be Called Australian
1801:27No Wonder I'm Tired