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Celtic Highlands

103:23Flower of Scotland
205:00Lady Douglas of Bothwell/Allen Ramsey
304:44Mrs. Stewart of Grand Tully/The Gravel Walks/ The Judges Dilemma
402:33Ae Fond Kiss
505:43Margaret Brown's Favorite / The Muckin' O'Geordies Byre / Lango Lee (medley)
605:42Prelude to Bannockburn
703:22I Love My Love for She Loves Me/The Sound of Mull/ Mrs. General Campbell
802:15Darling I am Asleep and Do Not Wake Me
902:37Aim Kind Dearrie/Bennivis
1002:44Kathryn Oggie
1104:14Highland Laddie/Mouth Music/Lady Margarett Stewart/High Road to Linton
1201:44Skye Boat Song
1304:26Jock O' Hazeldeen