album jeux videos

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Call of the Mountains

106:12Hengameh (Reference to the Revolutionary Souls)
204:02Bo Mirzadeh (In Memory of Mojtaba Mirzadeh)
305:58Shini Kurd (The Mourning of the Kurd)
406:59Sarkhoshi (Joy)
505:13Buni Dalaho (The Scent of Mt. Dalaho)
602:47Jazhni Garmian (The Garmian Festivities)
704:40Biravari Menalim (My Childhood Memories)
805:11Paala Bidar (To My Kurd Poet Friend)
903:15Pajare (Grief)
1013:41A Quartet for Rajabi & Shabhai Berke (To the Pioneer of Modern Tonbak)