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Blowfly's Zodiac Party

100:00Butterfly's Intro
200:00All You Ho's Chorus
300:00Aries - If Eating You Is Wrong, I Don't Want to Be Right
400:00Taurus - The First Time Ever You Sucked My Dick
500:00Gemini - I Know a Place
600:00Leo - Sophisticated Sissy
700:00Cancer - If She Don't Want It
800:00Sagittarius - Everyday I Have to Suck Some
900:00Virgo - Ain't No Head Like My Woman's Head
1000:00Pisces - My Bitch
1100:00Libra - Let's Suck Together
1200:00Capricorn - Katey Pearl
1300:00Scorpio - Clean-Up Woman
1400:00Aquarius - Butterfly's Outro