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Blotter LSD C&W 2001

103:25Once More With Feeling
202:41Always Late
304:14The Dog Song
404:22My Gas Tank Runs on Booze
506:49Private Kkklub
602:00Only Daddy'll Walk the Line
701:31Winchester VA Route #1
803:00Steppin' Out
901:32Winchester VA Route 2?4
1002:24Your Song Ruby Flintstones
1103:14I'm Sorry
1203:53San Francisco Nights
1304:32Detroit Special
1403:50Journey to the Center of the Mind
1501:56Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin
1603:54White Room
1702:29Terror Phone
1803:36Once More With Feeling
1907:30Rollin' Stone
2103:00The Thing