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Bethlehem Down

102:02Deck the Halls
202:05The Birds
302:37A Maiden Most Gentle
503:45Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang
603:39Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
702:26Corpus Christi Carol
802:20A Babe Is Born
902:33Now Let Us Sing
1002:30Jesu, Thou the Virgin-Born
1101:47Salvator mundi natus est
1204:40Bethlehem Down
1302:04Sussex Carol
1403:42Lullay My Liking
1501:30King Herod and the Cock
1602:23I Sing of a Maiden
1702:24De Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
1802:07The First Mercy
1902:21The Holly and the Ivy
2002:27Star Candles
2102:29The Angel Gabriel
2202:11Mistletoe Carol