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Ballet: The Song of Triumphant Love

103:40The Song of Triumphant Love: Prelude. Portrait of Fabio
202:06The Song of Triumphant Love: Portrait of Muzio
303:30The Song of Triumphant Love: Portrait of Valeria
403:28The Song of Triumphant Love: Valeria ? Fabio
503:58The Song of Triumphant Love: Valeria ? Muzio
607:41The Song of Triumphant Love: Valeria ? Fabio ? Muzio
702:15The Song of Triumphant Love: Muzio's Departure
803:42The Song of Triumphant Love: Finale of Act I
901:51The Song of Triumphant Love: Prelude
1002:26The Song of Triumphant Love: Muzio's Return
1103:00The Song of Triumphant Love: The Desert
1204:24The Song of Triumphant Love: Portrait of the Malay
1302:31The Song of Triumphant Love: The Whirlpool
1403:23The Song of Triumphant Love: Grimaces of Fate
1502:54The Song of Triumphant Love: Coda
1604:32The Song of Triumphant Love: Muzio Plays the Violin
1705:38The Song of Triumphant Love: The Dream
1802:57The Song of Triumphant Love: Valeria ? Fabio
1906:02The Song of Triumphant Love: Finale of Act II
2005:48The Song of Triumphant Love: Epilogue
2103:03The Song of Triumphant Love: The Song of Triumphant Love