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Ascribe unto the Lord: Sacred Choral Works

107:22Blessed Be the God and Father
204:35Wash Me Throughly
302:36Ascribe unto the Lord
403:05Ascribe unto the Lord: O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
502:16Ascribe unto the Lord: As for the Gods of the Heathen
602:00Ascribe unto the Lord: They That Make Them Are Like Unto Them
703:57Ascribe unto the Lord: The Lord Hath Been Mindful of Us
807:27Psalm 42, "Like As the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks" - Psalm 43, "Give Sentence With Me, O God"
906:46Morning and Evening Service in E Major: Magnificat
1003:24Morning and Evening Service in E Major: Nunc dimittis
1102:17The Wilderness and the Solitary Place
1202:33The Wilderness and the Solitary Place: Say to Them of a Fearful Heart
1303:21The Wilderness and the Solitary Place: Then Shall the Lame Man
1402:23The Wilderness and the Solitary Place: And the Ransomed of the Lord
1502:01The Wilderness and the Solitary Place: And Sorrow and Sighing
1605:543 Pieces for a Chamber Organ, Book 2: No. 2. Larghetto in F-Sharp Minor
1702:48O Give Thanks Unto the Lord
1803:24O Give Thanks Unto the Lord: Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord
1901:57O Give Thanks Unto the Lord: Blessed Are They That Alway Keep Judgment
2002:41O Thou Who Camest from Above
2103:55Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace