album jeux videos

les albums de jeux videos

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As I Carelessly Did Stray?

103:14The Walls of Liscarrol / The Castlebar Races (jigs)
202:53The Ballroom Favoutite #2 / The Bell of the Ball (barndances)
302:25The Tinker's Stick / Within a Mile of Dublin (reels)
403:01Colonel Roger's Favoutite / Johnny Henry's (reels)
503:19Jim Coleman's / Spellan's Fiddle (hornpipes)
602:36The Lilies in the Field / The Gatehouse Maid (reels)
702:41The Kinnegad Slashers / An Port Ard (jigs)
803:09The Pretty Girl Milking her Cow (song air)
902:53Paddy Mill's / The Lady on the Island (reels)
1002:54The Shaskeen / Bonnie Kate (reels)
1102:43The Ash Grove (song air)
1202:27The Old Maids of Galway / My Mary Anne (reels)
1303:08My Love is but a Lassie / Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine (polka / march)
1403:47Highland / Captan Kelly's (highland / reels)
1502:52The Lady of the House / The Tailor's Thimble (reels)