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And the Skies Dream Infinite Sorrow

101:50Intro: Into the Woods of Bleeding Trees
204:47When the Boars Are Feasting
306:05Dripping Limbs, Faces of Torment
403:28King of Worms
504:10Lake of Organs
605:06Decapitated Angel
700:50Intro: In Endless Depression
807:15And the Skies Dream Infinite Sorrow
903:58The Waking Cold
1003:45The Last Hours of Life
1106:43The Orchestra of Grief
1204:01A Brief Moment of Clarity
1304:37A Distant Spirit Weeps
1404:32Before the Sun Was Created
1506:24Concealed Behind Stone
1607:01Forever in Mourning
1700:31Outro: Seeds