album jeux videos

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An Englishman in Italy: British piano music inspired by Italy

jeux videos - An Englishman in Italy: British piano music inspired by Italy
101:18Tarantella in A minor
203:49From the Ionian Sea - 4 Sketches: 1. Pastorale
302:26Souvenirs d?Italie, op. 19: 3. Bon Matin - Bluette
402:05From the Ionian Sea - 4 Sketches: 3. Tarantella di Monte Ziretto
502:43Souvenirs d?Italie, op. 19: 5. L?Allégresse - Presto capriccioso
606:31Souvenirs d?Italie, op. 19: 6. Rêve d?une Villageoise - Chant Pastoral
702:50Souvenirs d?Italie, op. 19: 7. Dors mon enfant - Berceuse