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All the Best from Australia

102:56Walzing Matilda
202:59The Stockman?s Hall of Fame
303:09G?Day G?Day
402:59Toss Another Shrimp on the Barbie
502:37I Made a Hundred in the Backyard at Mum?s
603:27Down Under
703:05Bloody Bonza Mate
802:14Crocodile Roll
903:50True Blue
1003:39The Man From Snowy River
1103:25I Still Call Australia Home
1203:58You?ve Gotta? ?Ave a Beer Mate
1304:07Botany Bay
1405:03The Wild Colonial Boy
1503:15Flash Jack From Gundagai
1603:43The Springtime It Brings on the Shearing
1704:43Click Go the Shears
1803:13Australia?s on the Wallaby
1902:27Andy?s Gone With Cattle
2002:29South Australia