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All On a Christmas Morning

100:00Christ Child Lullaby/New Year's Day/New Christmas/The Musk of Money
200:00Sommeil de l'Enfant Jesus/The Kings Travel East
300:00Three Kings
400:00Winter's Day
500:00The Merry Christmas Jig/Christmas Comes But Once a Year/All Around the Holly Tree
600:00Don Oiche Ud I Mbeithil
700:00Frost and Snow/Snowstorm/The Snowy Meadow
800:00Christmas in the Trenches
900:00Calon Lan
1000:00Drive the Cold Winter Away
1100:00Rivers of Frost and Snow
1200:00The Christmas Fancy
1300:00The Twelfth Day Carol
1400:00On the Eve of Christmas
1500:00How We Spent the Christmas/Winter's Apples/The Nutcracker/Snow on The Hills/Drops Of Snow