album jeux videos

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Action Metal

100:20Push Start Button (The Revenge of the Shinobi)
201:42Long Distance (The Revenge of the Shinobi)
302:10Stage 1 - Hedgehog Metal (Sonic the Hedgehog)
402:30Stage 2 - Mighty Hiryu (Strider)
502:19Stage 3 - Hard Road (Super Hang on)
604:24Stage 4 - Rise From Your Grave (Altered Beast)
700:54Bonus Stage (Shadow Dancer)
802:55Stage 5 - Syndicate Headquarters (Streets of Rage)
902:32Stage 6 - Battle Field (Golden Axe)
1003:33Stage 7 - Battle of Ravaged Village (Golden Axe II)
1102:26Stage 8 - The Arena (Golden Axe II)
1205:24Stage 9 - The Final Strike! (After Burner)
1302:26Ending (The Revenge of the Shinobi)
1402:24Guitar Ninja (Ninja Gaiden)