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A Hilliard Songbook: New Music for Voices

100:41Adoro te devote
212:46...Here in Hiding...
301:57Endechas y canciones: I. No pueden dormir mis ojos
408:11Endechas y canciones: II. Endechas a la muerte de Guillén Peraza
505:20Whale Rant
608:12Music for the Star of the Sea
702:52Stabant autem iuxta crucem
801:57The Hilliard Songbook: II. On Black and White
902:13Canticum canticorum I: I. Surge, properea amica mea
1001:57Canticum canticorum I: II. Descendi in hortum meum
1101:44Canticum canticorum I: III. Ego dilecto meo
1201:03The Hilliard Songbook: VI. Iasent
1300:32The Hilliard Songbook: VII. True Beautie
1402:39The Hilliard Songbook: VIII. By Falshood
1610:37Kullervo's Message