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40 Must-Have Favorite Hymns: Heaven's Jubilee

104:04Softly and Tenderly
202:22Praise Him! Praise Him!
303:09In the Garden
402:43Blessed Be the Name
502:09Heaven's Jubilee
602:38Christ the Lord Is Risen
702:34O Come All Ye Faithful
802:31My Jesus I Love Thee (instrumental)
903:36When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
1003:26Fairest Lord Jesus
1104:19We Shall Wear a Crown
1202:48Jesus on the Mainline
1302:31Keep on the Sunny Side
1402:33Just Over in the Glory Land
1502:41Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
1602:41O Come Angel Band
1702:43Every Time I Feel the Spirit
1802:38Shall We Gather at the River
1903:05Led Out of Bondage
2004:25Silent Night
2101:33When the Soul Never Dies
2204:00I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
2302:35The Lord's Prayer