album james newton howard

les albums de james newton howard

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King Kong

101:09King Kong
204:16A Fateful Meeting
302:48Defeat Is Always Momentary
403:19It's in the Subtext
502:34Two Grand
604:03The Venture Departs
704:43Last Blank Space on the Map
807:08It's Deserted
902:38Something Monstrous... Neither Beast nor Man
1002:48Head Towards the Animals
1206:17Tooth and Claw
1303:26That's All There Is...
1504:36Central Park
1602:36The Empire State Building
1701:59Beauty Killed the Beast I
1802:22Beauty Killed the Beast II
1902:14Beauty Killed the Beast III
2004:45Beauty Killed the Beast IV
2104:13Beauty Killed the Beast V