album james newton howard

les albums de james newton howard

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All the Way

101:56After the Shooting
203:48The Oval Office
304:46House and Senate
402:02Signing Ceremony
501:48Vietnam Begins
601:09Freedom Riders
701:33LBJ Orders Strikes
801:17Chaney Eulogy
901:10Stand Up!
1001:07Ladybird Comforts LBJ
1102:33On the Lake
1201:13Freedom Summer
1301:56FBI to Mississippi
1401:42I'm Coming for You
1504:03Fannie Lou Hamer
1601:11Church Basement
1701:48It Takes a Carpenter
1802:14That Never Stopped You
1902:39All the Way
2002:31Men's Room Scandal
2101:53Delegate Compromise
2200:55The FBI Tapes MLK