album henri mancini

les albums de henri mancini

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Symphonic Soul / The Cop Show Themes

102:00Mystery Movie Theme
202:49The Streets of San Francisco (From the Quinn Martin Production)
301:57Bumper's Theme
404:47Medley: Kojak - S.W.A.T
505:05Baretta's Theme (Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow)
602:55The Rockford Files (From the Universal TV Series)
702:18Hawaii Five-O (From the CBS TV Series)
803:17Police Woman (From the NBC TV Series)
902:30Symphonic Soul
1103:09Satin Soul
1204:33Peter Gunn (New version)
1302:46Slow Hot Wind (Lujon)
1403:38Pick Up the Pieces
1503:34Sun Goddess
1603:14Soul Saga (Song of the Buffalo Soldier)
1703:43African Symphony