album green adams

les albums de green adams

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Partisans of Vilna: The Songs of World War II Jewish Resistance

103:57S'iz geven a zumertog (It Was a Summer Day)
303:33Unter dayne vayse shtern (Under Your White Stars)
401:59Yid, du partizaner (You Jewish Partisan)
501:48Blayene platn (Lead Printing Plates)
602:25Itzik Vitnberg
703:25Shtiler, shtiler (Quiet, Quiet)
802:15Zemlyanka (Dugout)
902:21Tsu eyns, tsvey, dray (It's One, Two, Three)
1002:04Das meydl vun vald (The Girl From the Forest)
1103:04Shtil di nakht (A Quiet Night)
1203:22Zog nit keynmol (Never Say)