album gene vincent

les albums de gene vincent

12Fans 6tabs
Note cet artiste

The Rock 'N' Roll Collection

102:14Hold Me, Hug Me, Rock Me
201:56Who Slapped John?
302:00You Better Believe
402:25Bop Street
502:24Gonna Back Up Baby
602:50Jumps, Giggles and Shouts
702:13Well I Knocked, Bim Bam
801:59Jump Back, Honey
902:12Double Talkin' Baby
1002:13B-I-Bickey-Bi, Bo-Bo-Boo
1102:31Pink Thunderbird
1202:14Red Blue Jeans and a Ponytail
1302:02Race With the Deviloui
1402:24I Flipped
1602:06Five Feet of Lovin'
1702:26Pretty Pretty Baby
1802:22Blue Jean Bop
2002:09Crazy Legs
2102:20You Told a Fib
2202:10Say Mama
2302:09Lotta Lovin'