album gene autry

les albums de gene autry

1Fans 9tabs
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Lone Star Moon

100:00Play Fair
200:00Lone Star Moon
300:00End of My Round-Up Days
400:00I Want a Pardon for Daddy
500:00Tumbling Tumbleweeds (#1)
600:00Old Missouri Moon
700:00The Angel Song
800:00When the Snowbirds Cross the Rockies
900:00I Can't Shake the Sands of Texas From My Shoes
1000:00Loaded Pistols and Loaded Dice
1100:00Serenade of the Bells
1200:00Gonna Build a Big Fence Around Texas
1300:00The Little Kid Sister of Mine
1400:00You Waited Too Long
1500:00There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You
1600:00Tears on My Pillow