album fletcher henderson and his orchestra

les albums de fletcher henderson and his orchestra

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102:47Chicago Blues
203:08Why Put the Blame on You?
303:06Sud Bustin' Blues
402:51War Horse Mama
503:09Wish I Had You (And I'm Gonna Get You Blues)
602:53Just Blues
702:43I'm Crazy Over You
803:21I Wish I Could Make You Cry
903:02Say Say Sadie
1002:53Chicago Blues
1103:00Feelin' the Way I Do
1203:13Chattanooga (Down in Tennessee)
1303:00Ghost of the Blues
1402:59Tea Pot Dome Blues
1503:06Mobile Blues
1603:17My Papa Doesn't Two-Time No Time
1703:00Somebody Stole My Gal
1803:10After the Storm
2003:05Feeling the Way I Do
2103:04Red Hot Mama