album fleetwood mac

les albums de fleetwood mac

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The Alternate Collection

100:00Down Endless Street
200:00Special Kind of Love (demo)
300:00That's Alright (alternate take)
400:00What Makes You Think You're the One
500:00Over My Head (early take)
600:00Songbird (alternate)oui
700:00Storms (6/2/79)oui
800:00Landslide (early version)oui
900:00Hold Me
1000:00You and I, Part I & II (full version)
1100:00I'm So Afraid (early version)oui
1200:00Sisters of the Moon
1300:00Brown Eyes (9/20/78)
1400:00Blue Letter
1500:00I Know I'm Not Wrong (11/2/78)