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VGM Acapella: Volume 4

102:11Megaman X - Storm Eagle
202:49Final Fantasy VIII - The Man With the Machine Gun
301:06Final Fantasy VII - Victory Fanfare
402:51Pokémon R/B/Y - Lavender Town
501:28Song of Unhealing
603:15Streets of Rage 2 - Dreamer
702:43Zelda A Link to the Past - Overworld Theme
803:14Shining Force II - Elven Town
901:18Zelda A Link to the Past - Lost Woods (Forest)
1003:06Tetris - Theme 'B'
1103:36Xenogears - The One Who Bares Fangs at God
1201:52Super Mario Bros 3 - Overworld 2 (Athletic)
1302:28Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickerbrush Symphony
1402:05Sonic - Marble Zone