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Turn the Page: New Directions in American Choral Music

103:26Ecstatic Meditations: No. 1. Effortlessly Love Flows
204:34Ecstatic Meditations: No. 2. How the Soul Speaks to God
303:40Ecstatic Meditations: No. 3. I cannot dance, O Lord
405:30Ecstatic Meditations: No. 4. How God Answers the Soul
500:40Endless: I. Love's lens (Epigram)
602:19Endless: II. Someone sings
701:29Endless: III. Fall of Snow
801:59Endless: IV. Beginning
902:16Endless: V. Density of Stone
1003:39Endless: VI. Love's lens (Epilogue)
1105:43Ccollanan María
1202:35Metaphor: I. The Fly
1300:54Metaphor: II. The Flea
1403:43Metaphor: III. A Noiseless, Patient Spider
1509:28O the Flesh Is Hot But the Heart Is Cold
1604:11Open the Book of What Happened: I. with fleeting energy
1704:50Open the Book of What Happened: II. resigned / sprightly / very deliberate / resigned
1804:12Open the Book of What Happened: III. lightly hovering
1902:42Sonnets of Beauty and Music: Still will I harvest beauty where it grows
2005:02Sonnets of Beauty and Music: On hearing a Symphony of Beethoven
2102:04Two Motets: I. Mosella
2202:08Two Motets: II. Te vigilans oculis