album exercices

les albums de exercices

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The Music of Israel

103:21Good Luck (Mazel Tov!)
201:12We Have Brought Peace to You (Hevenu Shalom Aleichem)
302:16The Delight of the Worker (Simchat HeAmel)
401:48Goat and Ram (Ez VaKevess)
502:25The Coffee Pot (HaFinjan)
605:14Hasidic Melody No. 1
702:36Evening Comes (Erev Ba)
802:36Ancient Tune (Nigun Atik)
901:02Israeli National Anthem: The Hope (HaTikvah)
1002:27Here We Have a Tune (Hinne Lanu Nigun Yesh)
1102:28Let's Be Happy (Hava Nagilah)
1202:12Land Debka (Debka Adamah)
1302:29Peace Buds (Nitsanei Shalom)
1402:26Graceful Apple (Tapuach Chinani)
1502:35All My Vows (Kol Nidrei)
1601:48Ear in the Field (Shibolet BaSsadeh)
1702:03Cavalier Debka (Debka HaAbir)
1803:37Hasidic Melody No. 2