album exercices

les albums de exercices

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That's It!

105:34Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
204:22She Is There
304:19Stars Fell on Alabama
404:38Song for Emily
603:01Fine and Dandy
703:45I Couldn't Sleep a Wink
804:11That's It!
903:52Take, o Take Those Lips Away
1004:56Someone to Watch Over Me
1102:44Nonno Bob's Delight
1203:54How Do You Keep the Music Playing
1302:55Thou Swell
1405:50Medley: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered / Prelude N.1 in C major BMV 846
1503:33Ain't Cha Glad?
1602:54The Sheik of Araby
1704:38Tomorrow, It Will Be Bright With You