album exercices

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Super Somali Sounds from the Gulf of Tadjoura

103:20Natesha (Compassion)
209:35Hobalayeey Nabadu! (Hello Peace!)
307:57Dhulka Hooyo (Motherland)
404:27Tamarta (Power)
502:54Daroor (The Rain Didn't Come)
605:46Bulsha Yahay Haddadau
703:10Baxsanow Ismaacil
805:13Lama Rabeen Karo (It Cannot Be Desired)
904:55Aabo Usha Noohaay (Father Hold the Stick for Us) EXCLUSIVE BANDCAMP DIGITAL BONUS TRACK!
1007:51Tilman Baa Lagu Socdaa (Follow the Rules)
1106:46Inkaar Waalid (The Elders' Curse)
1203:51Abaal (Gratitude)
1303:54Gabadha Soo Galbiya (Song to escort newlyweds)
1408:12Maalkii Runta Ahaa Anigaa Ka Rooree (I Turned Away a True Treasure)