album exercices

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Songs of Disappearance

102:55Songs of Disappearance
300:41Purple-Crowned Fairy-Wren
400:27Western Heath Whipbird
500:15Kangaroo Island Brown Thornbill
600:32Gang-Gang Cockatoo
700:41Golden Bowerbird
800:22Western Boobook
900:32Black-Eared Miner
1000:26Noisy Scrub-Bird
1100:32Australian Palm Cockatoo
1200:22Carpentarian Grasswren
1300:18Australian Eclectus Parrot
1400:28Grey-Headed Robin
1500:21Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo
1600:21South-Eastern Red-Tailed Black-Cockatoo
1700:19Indian Ocean Red-Tailed Tropicbird
1800:26South-Eastern Hooded Robin
1900:30Lowland Pilotbird