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O Lusty May - Renaissance Songs of Spring

101:59Now is the month of maying - Thomas Morley (1595)
203:47Joan to the Maypole - Anonymous (17th c.)
302:12Bellamira & Emperor of the Moon - English Dancing Master
402:01Now the lusty spring is seen - Anonymous (1614)
502:04Willy prithee go to bed - Thomas Ravenscroft (1609)
602:40Greenwood & Hunt the Squirrel - English Dancing Master
702:39Come away, come sweet love - John Dowland (1597)
803:39Engels Nachtegaeltje - Jakob van Eyck (1646)
902:28Beauty sat bathing - William Corkine (1610)
1004:30All in a garden green - William Byrd (1591)
1103:48This merry pleasant spring - Anonymous (early 17th c.)
1202:40Woodycock - Anonymous (17th c.)
1301:53Allons au vert boccage - Guillaume Costeley (1570)
1402:09Basse-dance 'Jouissance' - Thoinot Arbeau (1589)
1504:21La terre n'agueres glacée - Nicolas de la Grotte (1569)
1602:37La rousée du joly mois de may - Jean Planson (1587)
1703:04Frais et gaillard - Giovanni Bassano (1591)/after Clemens non Papa
1803:35Quand ce beau printemps je voy - Jehan Chardavoine (1576)/after Nicolas de la Grotte
1902:54A jigge/Squirrel's lament/The squirrel's toy - Anonymous (late 16th c.)
2003:23Ma belle si ton ame - Anonymous (1603)
2101:56O lusty May - Anonymous (1612)
2202:14See, see the shepherds' queen - Thomas Tomkins (1622)