album exercices

les albums de exercices

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Klassic Klezmer

103:57Dancing With the Rabbi
202:39Zamar Noded (Wandering Minstrel)
305:00Badeken di Kallah (Veiling the Bridge)
404:15Sheyn Vi Di L'vone
503:04Ta'am Haman
602:43Itamar Freilach
703:03Amud Ha'Esh (Pillar of Fire)
804:43Canaanite Medley
1003:26Mi Ha'ish (Who Is the Man)
1103:04Tatei Freilach
1203:31Ghetto / Unzer Shtetl Brent
1303:47Give Me a Lift to TSFAT
1402:28That Freilach Feeling
1505:24Sholom Aleichem / Eli-Eli
1603:51The Klezmer's Freilach