album exercices

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In COG We Trust

exercices - In COG We Trust
104:22I Have The Power
200:54A Temporary Loss of Power
406:32Destroy Old Things
500:55All Hands Report to the Lab
605:05Reach Out and Touch the Hand
800:21Chati Che Cow
900:49Radiosonic Ruckus
1005:02Why Do We Do It
1104:35Dance or Die!
1201:49Dogmatic Deliberations
1304:12Yer Dawg Iz Ded
1403:09The Cowboys of Genius
1600:40Runaway Rednecks
1704:22Born in the South
1801:33Desert Dalliances
1904:03Funky Fresh
2000:42Hi-Tech Piracy
2101:18Bucket of Blood
2200:42Drumbot Embarks on a Very Short Solo Career
2302:20Just a Drumboy
2400:40Drumbiotic Denouement