album exercices

les albums de exercices

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Father Charlie

100:00Tommy Mearas / Swinging on the Gate
200:00Gallaghers Frolics / The Templehouse
300:00The Echo / The Wonder
400:00An Seoladh Na Gamhna
500:00Paddy Fahys / The Tynagh
600:00An Londubh Is an Chéirseach
700:00Mike Coens / Mike Coen 2 / The Flour Bag
800:00Kitty Jones / Castlekelly
900:00Madelines Frolics / The Foxhunters
1000:00Feach a Phádraig
1100:00Ambrose Maloney / Richard Dwyer
1200:00Tim Kelly's / John McMahon
1300:00An Cailin Rua