album exercices

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Anwar's Weather

100:00Swedish Message
200:00Garlic Bread, Misbehavin
300:00Mr Monk Goes to the Asylum
400:00Got Sum of the Sum
500:00Cant Not Negotiate
600:00The Amalgamation of Mega Men
700:00Keats, Keats, Keats
800:00Friend of a Friend of a Treble Cleff
900:00Addicted to Guitars
1000:00Holy Plankton, Pay Attention
1100:00The Sears Syndrome
1200:00Central Sons
1300:00Soccers Lingo
1400:00Joining Norse Forces
1500:00Stay Home and Watch Cartoons
1600:00Old Tyme Appendage Seeker
1700:00Badge of Honour, Bag of Something
1800:00Saw It Comin
1900:00Arbitrary Assumptions
2000:00The Dawn of the Platter
2100:00Dead Cousins
2200:00The Hungry Surgeon