album ennio morricone

les albums de ennio morricone

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Musiques de films 1964?2015, Volume II

103:43The Scarlet and the Black: Rome 1942, Open City (The Scarlet and the Black)
201:46The Scarlet and the Black: Memories of Rome
301:53The Farmer and the Girl (Theme 18?piano version)
402:40The Scarlet and the Black: The Disquises
502:43The Scarlet and the Black: The Prisoners
601:47The Scarlet and the Black: In Saint Peter's
702:45Quando le donne avevano la coda: Quando le donne avevano la coda
801:33The Scarlet and the Black: The Execution of Morosini
902:25The Scarlet and the Black: A War of Nerves
1001:28The Scarlet and the Black: Christmas 1942
1104:42The Scarlet and the Black: Attacks on the Underground
1203:56The Scarlet and the Black: Finale, Dedicated to O'Flaherty