album edgar broughton band

les albums de edgar broughton band

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Edgar Broughton Band / In Side Out

105:01Evening Over Rooftops
203:23The Birth
302:48Piece of My Own
406:38Poppy / Don't Even Know Which Day It Is
503:08House of Turnabout
707:31Getting Hard / What Is a Woman For?
802:07Thinking of You
903:54For Dr. Spock (Part One + Part Two)
1003:41Get Out of Bed / There's Nobody There / Side by Side
1100:42Sister Angela
1203:38I Got Mad
1302:26They Took It Away
1404:19Homes Fit for Heroes
1503:12Gone Blue
1604:33Chilly Morning Momma
1702:42The Rake
1801:38Totin' This Guitar
1902:55Double Agent
2006:14It's Not You
2102:56Rock 'n' Roll