album dusty springfield

les albums de dusty springfield

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Dusty... Definitely

dusty springfield - Dusty... Definitely
102:46Ain't No Sunshine Since You've Been Gone
202:36Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart
302:13Another Night
403:04Mr Dream Merchant
502:32I Can't Give Back The Love I Feel For You
602:09Love Power
703:37This Girl's In Love With You
803:06I Only Wanna Laugh
903:04Who (Will Take My Place)
1003:14I Think It's Gonna Rain Today
1102:46Morning (Bom Dia)
1203:41Second Time Around
1302:47No Stranger Am I (Remix)
1401:57Meditation (Remix)
1502:33The Colour Of Your Eyes (Remix)