album devo

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Social Fools: The Virgin Singles 1978?1982

devo - Social Fools: The Virgin Singles 1978?1982
103:26Come Back Jonee
202:56Social Fools
302:44The Day My Baby Gave Me a Surprize
402:30Penetration in the Centrefold
503:37Secret Agent Man
602:25Soo Bawlz
702:59Girl U Wantoui
802:15Turn Around
902:39Whip Itoui
1103:30Gates of Steeloui
1203:15Through Being Cool
1303:45Race of Doom
1402:52Working in a Coalmine
1503:30Enough Said
1603:36Beautiful World
1704:22The Super Thing
1903:26Find Out
2004:41Peek-A-Boo! (Dance Velocity)
2105:27Peek-A-Boo! (Devo dub)
2203:39Flimsy Wrap