album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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The Well Tempered Bow

103:41Paddy Fahey's / Mullingar Lea / Paddy Fahey's
204:23Trip to Galway / Crabs in the Skillet / Fly in the Porter
303:40The Bee's Wing / In Memory of Michael Coleman
404:01Paddy Fahey's / The Man of the House / Paddy Fahey's
502:38The Valley of Knockanure
604:24The Girl From the Big House / Trá Na Mban / Thank God We're Surrounded by Water
704:07Leddy From Cavan / Paddy Fahey's
804:21The High Level / Fly by Night
903:31Paddy Fahey's / Paddy Fahey's
1004:06Kye's Reel / The Lenawee Reel
1203:54A Reel in the Style of Redican / Galway Bay
1305:15Do You Want Anymore / Broken Pledge / Maud Miller