album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

2135Fans 252tabs
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102:21The Dairymaid / Father Kelly's (Reels)
203:00The Limerick Redowa / Back by Bohatch (Redowas)
302:26The Kingfisher / Anderson's (Reels)
402:55The Piper's Inn / Conway's (Jigs)
503:54The Castle of Dromore (Song)
602:26Out on the Road / Sandy Carty's (Reels)
702:15Valse Clog (Clog)
803:25Páraic Mac Donnchadha's / The West Clare / Humours of Cloghane (Reels)
903:54The Last Swallow (Air)
1002:53Flo's Hornpipe / Flanagan's (Hornpipes)
1102:51The Ewe Reel / The Watchmaker (Reels)
1203:57Robin (Song)
1302:55Coleman's/The Colliers (Jigs)
1402:50Sean Frank/The Rainy Day (Reels)
1503:05The Templehouse / Kitty's Gone a Milking / Phelim's Frolics (Reels)