album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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Song & Verse

103:18Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Bach)
202:56The Stationmaster (Spoken word)
302:57How deep is your love? (Gibb bros.)
401:21Short wave radio (Spoken word)
501:42Little innocent Lamb (Trad.)
600:25Wiltshire summer (Spoken word)
701:45I would be true (Trad., arr. Brown)
801:14Letter to the council (Spoken word)
902:33Close to you (Bacaharach & David)
1000:49Thoughts on a salmon and cucumber sandwich (Spoken word)
1105:43Cantique de Jean Racine (Fauré)
1200:32The taxi driver and the traffic lights (Spoken word)
1301:52Sh-boom (Keyes, Feaster, McCrae & Edwards)
1402:46The sole survivor (Spoken word)
1506:16Like as the hart (Howells)
1600:30Great grandmama (Spoken word)
1702:24Will you still love me tomorrow? (Goffin & King)
1800:56The ugly baby (Spoken word)
1904:14Beati quorum via (Stanford)
2001:24Second class people (Spoken word)
2103:00The girl from Ipanema (Gimbel, de Moraes & Jobim)
2202:48The three-legged pig (Spoken word)
2301:44Goodnight, it's time to go (Carter & Hudson)