album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes & Airs - Caps & Bells

102:17Reels: McDermott's / The Cow That Ate the Blanket
203:10Hornpipes: Kathleen Smyth's / The Jumblies
302:20Jigs: The Rose in the Heather / The Fugitive
402:30Air: Celtic Lament
503:00Hornpipes: The Pleasures of Hope / The Gilly Smyth's
602:34Reels: The Reelin' Bridge / Keelaghan's Manta
702:27Reels: Aughacashel / Cap & Bells
803:05Hornpipes: The Men From Ulster / The Tailor's Twist
902:18Jigs: Killeshandra / Buttermilk Mary
1003:06Air: Casadh an tSugan
1102:17Jig: The Gold Ring
1202:35Reel: The Jug of Punch