album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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Mystical Chants

103:53Introit for the 1st Sunday in Advent (Mode 8)
203:18Introit for the 4th Sunday in Advent (Mode 4)
301:11Communion 3rd Sunday in Advent (Mode 7)
404:37Introit for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (Mode 1)
502:36Offertory for the 4th Sunday in Advent (Mode 8)
602:28Hymn for Christmas Vespers (Mode 1)
703:32Introit for the 3rd Christmas Mass (Mode 7)
803:02Alleluia of the 3rd Christmas Mass (Mode 8)
901:17Communion for the Feast of St. Stephen (Mode 8)
1003:41Gradual for the Feast of the Holy Confessor (Mode 2)
1103:58Offertory for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (Mode 1)
1201:54Communion for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (Mode 6)
1303:40Introit for Sexagesima Sunday (Mode 1)
1404:40Tract of Sexagesima Sunday (Mode 8)
1501:18Communion for the 2nd Sunday in Lent (Mode 5)
1603:27Offertory for Palm Sunday (Mode 8)
1703:01Gradual for Maundy Thursday (Mode 5)
1801:33Offertory for Maundy Thursday (Mode 2)