album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

2135Fans 252tabs
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MUSIC FROM THE MOUNTAIN - a Jewish Holiday Jam

100:00Time to Return - a song for the High Holidays
200:00Holiday Shopping Bag Rag
300:00The Sukkah in our Yard - a song for Sukkot
400:00The Miracle - the story of Chanukah in song
500:00It's Chanukah - Ole'
600:00Plant a New Life - a song for Tu B'shvat
700:00The Ballad of Mordechai and Esther - the story of Purim in song
800:00The "I Ate too Many Hamentashen" Blues - a song for the day after Purim
900:00The Passover Prairie Polka
1000:00Look into the Light - a song for Lag Ba'omer
1100:00The Fiftieth Day - a song for Shevuot
1200:00The Home - a song for Tisha B'av
1300:00A Niggun - a Jewish melody
1400:00Shabbat Shalom - a song for the Sabbath