album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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Fire This Time

100:48Turn the T.V. Off and Read a Book, Please
201:21Patriotism Is So 19th Century
301:11If There Was a God, Wouldn?t He Make People Like You Just Shut the Fuck Up?
401:31Apparently, It?s Still Just Boys? Fun
501:47Heterosexism Sucks and So Do You
601:51Conservative Punks Fuck Off
700:59Surprise, Surprise!
801:50Get in the Volvo
901:21The Minor Threat Principle
1001:54The Dialectics of Partying Really Hard
1101:46No Matter Where We Go
1200:20Punk = Short
1300:51Do You See Anyone Laughing?
1401:28A Minor Disagreement
1501:52In Love With Life, Unpleased With the Present State of Things