album dessins animes

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Danse macabre

102:59Danse macabre: I. Dance 1: Processional
203:31Danse macabre: II. Chorus 1: Requiem aeternam
301:59Danse macabre: III. Song 1 (The Preacher from the Pulpit)
401:25Danse macabre: IV. Death Song 1 (?Death to All?) and Chorus 2: Kyrie eleison
501:22Danse macabre: V. Dance 2
601:33Danse macabre: VI. Death Song 2 (?Death to the Pope?)
702:02Danse macabre: VII. Song 2 (The Pope)
803:12Danse macabre: VIII. Chorus 3 (Tract): Absolve Domine
901:26Danse macabre: IX. Death Song 3 (Death Answers the Pope)
1001:07Danse macabre: X. Dance 3
1101:51Danse macabre: XI. Chorus 4 (Sequence): Dies irae
1203:01Danse macabre: XII. Song 3 (The Emperor)
1302:43Danse macabre: XIII. Chorus 5 (Offertory): Domine, Jesu Christe
1402:19Danse macabre: XIV. Death Song 4 (?Death to the Emperor?)
1501:27Danse macabre: XV. Dance 4
1602:16Danse macabre: XVI. Song 4 (The Empress)
1701:23Danse macabre: XVII. Chorus 6: Sanctus
1800:56Danse macabre: XVIII. Death Song 5 (?Death to the Empress?)
1901:40Danse macabre: XIX. Dance 5