album dessins animes

les albums de dessins animes

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Come, share the Lord

103:39Nearer, my God, to Thee
203:26Be still, for the presence of the Lord
303:15Let us turn our faces to the light
402:45Am I ready
503:08Lord, my Saviour and my Shepherd
603:28Make me a channel of Your peace
703:04Holy Spirit, heal my soul
802:14The day Thou gavest
903:03Come, share the Lord
1003:58Great is Thy faithfulness
1102:54Swing low, sweet chariot
1204:04Pass me not, O gentle Saviour
1303:51I have a home beyond the river
1402:44Deep river
1503:28Lord, how can I ever praise You
1603:46Worthy of worship
1702:44I know of a river
1803:18Amazing Grace
1903:21I want to be like Jesus
2003:55In times like these
2102:28A miracle of love
2204:47When peace with the father