album david crosby

les albums de david crosby

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Shadow On The Faces

104:24How Long
200:14Introduction of Graham Nash
304:34Crow on the Cradle
402:19Introduction of David Crosby & Tune Up
503:31Lives in the Balance
604:31Introduction of Bonnie Raitt > World in Motion
700:40DJ & Mary McCaslin Introduction
904:15Prairie in the Sky
1000:13Mary Thanks
1103:08Gary Patton Intro to Bonnie Raitt
1203:01El Salvador
1302:05DJ & Introduction of Crosby & Nash
1403:40For What It's Worth
1500:53Bonnie Thanks & DJ
1603:28Military Madness
1702:14Crosby Talks
1804:02Carry Me
1905:21Long Time Gone
2003:36Teach Your Children
2101:20Final Thanks & DJ Talk